More Than 100 Years of Combined Experience

Workers’ Compensation Can Cover Hearing Loss

A workers’ comp hearing loss claim can be particularly challenging when the workers’ comp insurer does not acknowledge that your hearing loss was the result of work activities. If Berger & Michelena in Los Angeles is your workers’ comp law firm after you have become partially deaf because of your job, you can count on us to represent you vigorously.

You’ll have an uphill battle trying to prove your hearing loss was work-related, unless we help. To schedule your free consultation with an experienced hearing loss injury lawyer at Berger & Michelena, call: 213-624-9999.

What Caused Your Hearing Loss? Work Injury? Our Attorneys Offer Free Consultations.

We have the experience necessary to work with your health care providers to document your work-related hearing loss. We will use that evidence to pursue the workers’ comp benefits you should receive. We have successfully helped clients obtain workers’ compensation benefits when they had experienced hearing loss because of:

  • One-time traumatic events such as explosions
  • Repetitive trauma caused by working around loud machines
  • Ongoing exposure to high decibels in extra-noisy workplace environments

Understand Your Workers’ Comp Hearing Loss Claim

Hearing loss is usually a permanent injury. You may be entitled to compensation for partial disability if your sense of hearing was diminished because of an explosion or repeated exposure to machinery noise on the job. If your claim is approved, you will also be entitled to lifelong coverage of medical care related to your on-the-job injuries, including hearing loss.

Contact A California Workers’ Compensation Disability Benefits Attorney

From our law offices in Los Angeles County, workers’ comp lawyers take workers’ compensation and personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. If we accept your case, you pay no fee unless we recover damages for you. For a free consultation, please call 213-624-9999 or 800-488-4813, or contact us online.