Filing A Third-Party Claim In Los Angeles
When a workplace injury is caused by anyone other than a co-employee, you have what is known as a third-party claim. This can enable you to obtain compensation above that which you receive from the California workers’ compensation system. However, third-party claims can present complex issues of fact and law that require careful analysis. You should speak with a lawyer experienced in third-party claims concerning your rights and the potential value of your case.
We can help you with your third party claim. Call the experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at Berger & Michelena: 213-624-9999.
Advocates For Injured Southern California Workers
Berger & Michelena is a team of experienced attorneys that has been representing injured workers for almost 50 years. We understand the law, the California workers’ compensation system, and how to ensure that our clients get the medical care and compensation they deserve.
When Berger & Michelena represents you, we will work hard to help you obtain maximum compensation from all possible sources.
Two Parallel But Related Cases
If your injury was caused by a third party, such as a contractor, equipment supplier or a vehicle driver who is not a co-employee, you may have both a workers’ compensation claim and a claim against the party responsible for the accident. These are two separate, but related cases. In a work injury case involving a third-party claim, it is important to properly manage both claims. If a mistake is made in one claim, it can adversely affect your ability to obtain compensation from the other claim.
At Berger & Michelena, we have extensive experience handling both workers’ compensation claims and third-party claims. Because we handle both sides of these cases in house, it minimizes the likelihood of a mistake that could cost you money. Berger & Michelena will work to build two strong and successful claims for you.
Serious And Willful Safety Violations
The workers’ compensation system has been intentionally set up as a “no-fault” means of providing benefits for injured workers. But if your accident was caused by a “serious and willful” safety violation, you may be able to obtain additional compensation.
Contact A Los Angeles Third-Party Claim Attorney
To learn more about filing a third-party claim in Los Angeles or elsewhere in Southern California, contact Berger & Michelena for a free consultation.