For companies, developing an efficient return-to-work program is an important priority. People get injured on the job all the time, and such injuries can be costly not only for the worker, but also for the company. Still, it is in the company’s best interest to do...
Month: April 2021
When employer puts up roadblocks to workers compensation
Employers are justifiably concerned about the possibility of workers’ compensation fraud. It is both illegal and costly for businesses when it occurs, and they do well to monitor for it. The general pattern employers watch out for is when an employee files a false...
USPS workers often injured by dog bites
A recent report from the Government Accountability Office took a look at work injury claims filed by U.S. Post Service employees. The report specifically looked at claims filed between 2009 and 2012. During that time, an average of 34,000 injuries were claimed each...
Union fights university over staffing, safety concerns
Protesting alleged harassment and intimidation on the part of management, over 22,000 campus workers and service and technical workers affiliated with the University of California went on strike last month along with 13,000 supportive graduate students. The one-day...
Two Bay Area workers dead after construction accident
Accidents at the workplace occur all the time in nearly all professions. That being said, some industries involve more risk of injury than others. Construction is one such profession, and it is important for construction employees and their families to be aware of...
Two BART workers killed in train accident
Earlier this month, two workers with Bay Area Rapid Transit were killed in a serious mishap. The workers, according to sources, had been inspecting the track for defects when they were struck by a maintenance train. Authorities reported after the tragic event that the...
Truckers go on strike over misclassification
On Monday, roughly 120 truck drivers in Long Beach and Los Angeles went on strike in dispute of illegal worker misclassification. Worker misclassification refers to a situation where an employer classifies an employee as an independent contractor in order to deny them...
Temp workers suffer from lack of benefits as employers avoid burden of employment
An interesting article in the Huffington Post pointed out the plight of temporary workers in the U.S. economy. Many temp workers receive minimum wage, receive inadequate housing, eat out of food banks and utilize publicly funded health care. Most of these workers...
Temp workers face lack of workers compensation
When a worker is injured, he or she counts on the ability to be compensated for those injuries by his or her employer. But not every worker has that support system available. Most notably, temporary workers do not. Provisional employees have become more commonly used...
Study: workers comp reforms are working
Contrary to what some critics of the 2012 California’s workers’ compensation reform are saying, injured workers throughout the state are receiving the care they need. According to these critics, the changes to the system have established a review process that...